Kamis, 27 Agustus 2009

Peter has forward me this interesting story about a woman's tattoo experience.

"I have four Japanese symbols across my back, gleaned from a Japanese-English dictionary.


Yes, it would seem that in our haste, nobody took the semicolon from the dictionary entry out of the design and it now lives for eternity on my skin."


Peter and I are shaking our heads regarding:

She is apparently more upset that there's a semicolon attached to her tattoo than by the fact that the tattoo itself is terribly done.

According to the tattoo's owner, Naomi Dunford, "It was supposed to say 'Mother Daughter Sister Wife'. Then wife was a pain in the ass and it was supposed to say 'beauty.' Who the hell knows what it means at this point?"

Senin, 24 Agustus 2009

No Parallel Importation of Books into Australia

Yes, I am still banging on about this, and I need to...

For those who agree with me that the removal of Parrallel Imporation structures is a bad idea, please, 'sign' the petition linked above - and for those who want to know more about this issue here is a starting point.

As for MBT 3, I am currently drawing the last few chapter illustrations, which can be a joy at times and truly hair-tearingly frustrating at others. I have discovered that I am not as good as drawing hands as I used to be - too much writing and not enough sketching over the last 18 months has certainly made the old drawing muscles rusty.

Looking forward to the continuing adventures of Hesuimu and Somedood versus Borky the Coednedded Stanislaudian Giant Ant - my werazi cans are lined up and ready. (If this makes no sense to you than please read comments from last post - if you dare - they had me giggling... though I am wierd like that...)

Minggu, 16 Agustus 2009

from: Amilcar C.
to: tiangotlost@gmail.com
date: Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 8:08 AM


Congrats for the cool blog.

A colleague has this tattoo done a couple of years ago and she was told it is suppose to mean “strength”.

Does it really mean that or anything else at all?


Amilcar C.


originated from the book of I Ching, meaning "small accumulating". Other variations include "the taming power of the small" and "small harvest". I don't see the connection between that and "strength", unless there is some kind of six degrees of Kevin Bacon I Ching I didn't know about.

Selasa, 11 Agustus 2009

You'd better believe it!

The impossible has become the possible.

Explicarium and character illos to go...
(plus further correcting of a 3rd draft - here's hoping that will not be too great a task)